Adaptability in Still Life -Blue Period Ep 5 & 6 Review (2025)

As tensions come to a head between rivals Yatora and Takahashi, the art students crack under the pressure of midterms. This is a review and discussion for Blue Period Episode 5 and 6 on Netflix.

Check out ourpreviousepisode reviewhere.

Wow, this episode was like a rollercoaster of emotion.

But, also very realistic at the same time.

Blue Period Episode 5

Let’sstart with Yuka.

She’sbeen skipping cram school. Her father thinksshe’sa disappointment, while her grandmother is supportive. Yuka is currently leaning on Mori-senpai for emotional support.

Yuka has also been asked to be a model for artwork by current MUA students, and turned them down.

Yatoramentionedmaybe hermood swings are due to guy trouble– butlike bothYatoraand Takahashi,maybe Yukais just having a ‘blue period’?

Where Yuka is doubting herself, her success, and her artistic abilities.

From observation, it seems likeYatorais an emotional painter.

He has spurts of creativity, and then restricts himself from completelyopeningup.Yatorais very self-conscious, anyway – so thatisn’tsurprising.

It’snice to see that Mori-senpai can still serve as a sort of inspiration for him, even if Mori-senpai herselfdoesn’tfeel all that confident in her artwork.

Maybe Takahashiwill prove to inspireYatora, and vice versa?

I wonder whatYatora’stheme willultimately be?

At first, it was inspiration due to Mori-senpai.

Then, jealousy mixed with self-loathing over his novice ability while interacting with the art club students at his high school. Then, more jealousy, this time because of Takahashi, and a new-found optimistic passion for realistically aiming at TUA for college after the festival visit.

Finally,Yatorarealized Mori – senpai’s messagehasn’tchanged – her art is always a prayer.

Adaptability in Still Life -Blue Period Ep 5 & 6 Review (1)

So, Mori-senpai drewBuddhistfigures and hands in prayer with a paintbrush on either side for symmetry.

Before that, two angels communicating – herinterpretationofvarious typesof prayer.

Yatoratried his “bonds” message again, but flopped because it was an uninspired carbon copy of his previously passionate work.

It lacked focus, went by the strict ‘artist guidelines’ that jade students, and ultimately lead to originality.

Adaptability in Still Life -Blue Period Ep 5 & 6 Review (2)

Do you thinkYatorawill get it together next episode?

I’mnot reprimandinghim;I just wishhe’dsee how great hisuniquestyle of art is – which I guess is difficult whenyou’retoo hyper-focused on a differentperceptionof your own reality.

Anyway, tell me your thoughts.

Adaptability in Still Life -Blue Period Ep 5 & 6 Review (3)

Do you think Yuka will be okay?

Was the F100 canvas suggestion a distraction by Saeki-sensei meant to helpYatorarealize his own artistic ability?

What does Takahashi have to say over the phone?

Leave your thoughts in the comment section below,I’dlove to hear from you!

And without further ado,let’smove onto the latest episode discussion!

Blue Period Episode 6

Wow, I feel like we are doing a semester an episode.

Episode two was summer, and nowwe’rein February – and it’s only episode six!

I know more stuff must have happened between these breaks – Iwouldn’tmind if the anime slowed down the pace a little bit.

Other than that, I really enjoyed this episode.

Maybe because of how unintentionally dark it was.

I remember when I was still in school, people would start ditching class around midterms. Or, people would start doing drugs, drinking, or straight up leaving the country for an impromptu trip (I went to college with a lot of rich kids).

There was this one time where this kid was openly sitting in the public park on campus grounds just doing a line of cocaine. Others used to go to the library late at night, blast pornography through their headphones, and just masturbate out in the open.

And of course, like Kuwana’s friend, there were always one or two kids who were either hospitalized from malnutrition, a mental breakdown, or a suicide attempt.

Adaptability in Still Life -Blue Period Ep 5 & 6 Review (4)

Man, I really want to read the manga now. I was already planning on it after the anime series ended, butI’dlove to see what context is exactly missing in each week’s episode.

(Is that sick to say?)

I feel like a deviant, sitting here writing in my room –reminiscingabout screwed-up times I lived through in college while eatinghomemade cookies.

Art school, and pursuing your art, in general, is difficult.

Even after it’s all done, you don’t know if it was worth it.

Sometimes, I still think I wasted my time attending art school, but similarly to Takahashi – I don’t know what else I’d do if I hadn’t done it.

AllI’mreally goodat is watching films, and writing.

Idon’tknow ifit’sright, but it makes me happy…most of the time.☺

Adaptability in Still Life -Blue Period Ep 5 & 6 Review (5)

Does anybody else enjoy the direction this show is taking?

Is Kuwana selfish for not helping her friend?

Did we finally learn a delinquent’s name (despite my intention to keep ignoring their presence in the show)?

次のエピソード:Self Expression Through Art

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☆ In Asian Spaces


Adaptability in Still Life -Blue Period Ep 5 & 6 Review (6)

Author: In Asian Spaces

I write in my personal time and I haven't published much at all. I don't know if that qualifies me as a writer or not, but I'd like to change that.I have a deep passion for travel, cinema and (mainly) East Asian things, but I plan on writing various things to keep it spicy. Let's prosper together ~よろしくおねがいします。View all posts by In Asian Spaces

Adaptability in Still Life -Blue Period Ep 5 & 6 Review (2025)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.