Awakening Your True Passions – Blue Period Ep 1 Review  (2025)

Talented student Yaguchi Yatora decides to pursue art, and throw his delinquent lifestyle away. This is a review and discussion for Netflix’s Blue Period.

Wow, I thinkI’mactually inlove. That was anamazingfirst episode for this series premiere!

I honestlydon’teven know where to start.

Also, fulldisclosure– I thinkI’mfeeling so giddy because I went to art school. A lot of the thingsYatorasaid or experienced – like the way the city looks early in the morning- soundedfamiliar to me.

I used to spend hours just staring up at buildings while sitting on a campus balcony, or hang out in the 7thfloor stairwell when there was no space to sit by the windows on higher floors and just stare at the water towers from a large window ledge.

Awakening Your True Passions – Blue Period Ep 1 Review (1)

I even did a fair bit of writing from just staring at the architecture of New York City; short stories that lay dormant in notebooks inside my bedroom dressers.

One time after graduation when I was still working out there, I got a free month of bagels from Panera. I already went into work early on weekends just so that I had ample amounts of time to walk around empty city streets and take pictures, so that freebie was perfect for me.

There was a location right near Bryant Park and the library – giving me a place to sit down, and excuse to people watch extra hard on those days.

Awakening Your True Passions – Blue Period Ep 1 Review (2)

I remember sitting in the window, eating my bagel– headphonesblasting music when I noticed…that the street around me was blue.

Like at a certain time early in the morning, when everything was quiet the shadows of building silhouettes cast a certain way that gave the appearance of the entire city having this blueish-greenish-grey hue.

It was so pretty, and I was successfully able to capture it in photos a few different times.

HearingYatorasay that Shibuya looks blue in the early mornings, or watching him stare at the way sunlight catches in high-rise buildings that lined the streets made me extremely happy.

Then sad, when his friend didn’t really understand.

Then happy, again, whenYatorafound another person who understood him; and his friend groups’ later realization of whatYatorameant about Shibuya once he painted what he saw in his head out onto canvas.

So, you could sayYatora’searly morning blue Shibuya painting inspired him to have a real conversation with his friends for the first time in his life.

Awakening Your True Passions – Blue Period Ep 1 Review (3)

I know it may not sound like much, but it’s just a nice thing to see on screen. Especially if it’s something you’ve never experienced before, or something you have but rarely spoke about outside of certain circles.

I’m not sure if I’m making sense here – but when I first got into art school at orientation the professor’s told us to make friends with our fellow classmates. That people in other schools (within the university) would not understand (you), and your peers will be working alongside you in years to come.

Ididn’treally understand that piece of advice back then, and kept trying to hang out with my new friends in different schools under the university umbrella.

Eventually…they got tired of me.

My classes were much longer than theirs (I majored in Cinema Studies – so four-hour classes included a film, discussion, and short lecture. As opposed to their 45 minute – 1hrand15 minuteclasses) and I often had different events to go to that were not open to them as they were not a member of my department, or school.

Despite trying my best to meet up during certain times, or explain why two of my classes accounted for 8 hours of my day – theydidn’tbelieve me. Theydidn’tenjoy the things I spoke about, or understand why I was stopping in the middle of the street to take a photo of the sun setting between two buildings during the golden hour.

So, we stopped hanging out.

Or rather, they ditched me enough times after promising to meet at a certain place and deciding not to wait for me that I finallywisenedup and stopped talking to them.

I made friends in my own school.

Most were also Cinema Studies, some were from the Film & TV department (which I was taking about half of my courses in at one point in time), some were from the secluded law school (who also crossed over into our school due to studying business law and the legality of entertainment things) and some were in computer programming (as thatwas also in our school…surprisingly).

It took some getting used to, but after that I never had problems with people misunderstanding me. Or laughing at me because what I said sounded dumb to them.

Awakening Your True Passions – Blue Period Ep 1 Review (4)

I never had to explain why I was pulling out a piece of paper mid-sentence to write something down, or why I was standingin-betweenthe aisles of an old book storeanglingmy camera toward the incoming light.

When I had to make student films for my courses, the professors never questioned why I wanted to shoot entirely during the golden hour (or around twilight like whenYatorawas frantically trying to sketch his neighborhood’sveranda) or why I put a blue filter on my short film about solitude andlonelinessin the city.

Awakening Your True Passions – Blue Period Ep 1 Review (5)

Just as Saeki sensei toldYatora, one of the benefits of attending an art school iswitnessingfirsthand what your peers are doing. Learning and sharing new techniques with one another, or competing in afriendlymanner to both spur your art forward.

And just as my own professors told our year – you will be working with your peers after graduation. Most organizations have one or two alumni from my school.

My old friends work for some of the bigger production studios, or museums (as I did for a time) – and a few people in my year are even famous actors, actresses, and directors and/ or producers.

Or they are on tv attending the Emmy’s or Cannes, being awarded for their work.

Two people from my year are onRiverdale, of all shows. Haha.

It’sreally amazing the pull that network has. The same goes for the lawstudentswho mingled with us – they are each (for the most part) in dignified firms or dealing in their chosen fields.

I know I’m talking a lot about my own personal experiences, and not enough about the anime – but just watchingYatorabe so passionate about his art that he had asketchbook kepttucked away made me happy.

HearingYatora’sconversation with Mori senpai about the merit of talent vs raw ability was fascinating.

Seeing Ryuuji recognize thatYatorais passionate about art, but just needed a kick in the ass to start was magnificent.

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The way Mori senpai, Saeki sensei, and Ryuuji slowly eased him into figuring out he wanted to pursue art, and eventually join the art club before he could talk himself out of it due to fear of what others thought was also magnificent.

I hopeYatorapulls off getting accepted to TUA.

I’msorry I keep bringing myself up, but I did something similar.

The program I was in only admitted twenty graduate and twenty undergraduate students each year – and they rarely took transfers.

I was really reckless back then, and got it into my head that if I couldn’t get into the hardest school in the university with the lowest acceptance rate – that I was worthless as an artist and would give up.

I don’t know how I did it, but the gamble paid off.

And looking back, Iamglad I did it.

Especially since that was the only place I applied to, because I never really wanted to go to college anyways.

It was lonely, and I was always tired from the cycle of class, internship, commuting and work – but I learned a lot about myself.

People outside of the university used to refer to it as ‘Hogwarts’, and it’s top of the list for many as their dream school.

I think the U.S. rankingrecently went up for the school as well, and nowit’sfirst for film and the arts.

Anyway,I’veprobably dronedon about this long enough.

Awakening Your True Passions – Blue Period Ep 1 Review (7)

I hopeYatoraperseveres to allow his dreams to come true, anddoesn’tstop himself out of fear midway.

I hope he makes friends with the art students, and can still hang out with the delinquents if hetruly wantsto.

I hopeeverythingworks out for these students, and that Mori-senpai gets into the private programshe’sdreaming about. And if shedoesn’t–maybe itwasn’tmeant to be, andshe’llfind something else.

Either way, I thinkI’llleave this one here.

Awakening Your True Passions – Blue Period Ep 1 Review (8)

Are you enjoying theBlue Periodanime adaptation? (I realize that I might need to read the manga after our story ends.)

Did you hear that Ryuji’s character isactually amale whopossibly identifiesas a female namedYuka?

HopefullyIdidn’toffend anyone with calling them Ryuji earlier – I was just reading Reddit while editing this and found out.

What else do you thinkwe’llsee from this series?

Leave your thoughts in the comment section below,we’dlove to hear from you! Also be sure tofollow usfor more weeklyBlue Periodreviews and discussions!

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☆ In Asian Spaces


Awakening Your True Passions – Blue Period Ep 1 Review (9)

Author: In Asian Spaces

I write in my personal time and I haven't published much at all. I don't know if that qualifies me as a writer or not, but I'd like to change that.I have a deep passion for travel, cinema and (mainly) East Asian things, but I plan on writing various things to keep it spicy. Let's prosper together ~よろしくおねがいします。View all posts by In Asian Spaces

Awakening Your True Passions – Blue Period Ep 1 Review  (2025)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.